ATTN #TxLege Ds: Time To Start Breaking S#*%

Another day passes in the Texas Legislature, another bad bill passes, and another Democrat slumps into their floor chair and blames it on math and redistricting…as though it something happening TO them.

No. No no no no no. No.

This is happening BECAUSE of you.

Harsh truth.

Although we have flashes of Ds who’ve had just about enough of the Republican BS: Senator Roland Gutierrez (D-Bexar County) appealing the ruling of the Chair and refusing to sit silently while Senator Bryan Hughes claimed he cares about protecting kids, but won’t hear a gun bill ( ) and Representative + Caucus Leader Trey Martinez-Fischer calling out House Rs for refusing a reasonable teacher pay bump despite a record-breaking surplus, overall we’re seeing more of the same ( ).

#TxLege Ds adhering to some unwritten, unspoken rules about so-called “collegiality” even as Rs take away fundamental rights for women, minorities, performers, and others.

Hate to break it to you, but there is nothing collegial about screwing over the less powerful while ignoring data, science, and commonsense.

They’re taking people you care about to the woodshed and you can stop them.


Start breaking s#!%.

NUMERO UNO: Take an axe and start destroying local bills. Local bills are how members help local friends, constituents, industries, and municipalities.

They may not give a rat’s backside about trans kids, gay people, minority voters, poor seniors, or rape victims, or women, but if they can’t pass some Mickey Mouse local bill for their developer buddy back home, they will care about that.

Forcing all of those bills into the regular legislative process is like throwing sand in your transmission.

First, they’ll get mad. Then, they’ll seek revenge. Finally, they’ll ask what they have to do to make you stop.

NUMERO DOS: Form an ad hoc committee that does nothing but look for points of order on EVERY Republican bill. Every one.

Go through every bill with a fine-tooth comb and call a POO on every bill.

First, they’ll get mad. Then, they’ll seek revenge. Finally, they’ll ask what they have to do to make you stop.

NUMERO TRES: Start chubbing now. Grind this entire party train to a stop.

Run clock all day, every day…now, not May 20th. Kill their bills by the dozens. Do it with a smile.

Object to the suspension of rules. Verify votes. Challenge the quorum. Pull the keys. SHUT. IT. DOWN.

First, they’ll get mad. Then, they’ll seek revenge. Finally, they’ll ask what they have to do to make you stop.

These people are not your friends.

They aren’t even your colleagues.

They are doing bad things, passing bad laws, refusing to do basic good like stopping our preteens from getting shot in the face during art class.

Running campaigns against Republicans in Texas since 1996, I can tell you one thing: they only respect power.

Your kindness and collegiality is a weakness they use against you.

Be powerful. Get off your knees.

Pick up a heavy object and start breaking s#!%.

Burn the crops. Salt the fields. Bend their tracks into neckties. SHUT IT DOWN.

What are they going to do? Find new ways to screw over your constituents?

Newsflash: they’re doing that already.

You can stop them.

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Filed under Gun Control, Texas Politics

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